Waites believes “90 per cent” of BDO players will attempt Qualifying School

Waites won the BDO world title in 2013 and 2016 (credit:Adam Davy/PA Archive/PA Images)
Two-time World Champion Scott Waites believes “90 per cent” of BDO players will attempt to earn a PDC Tour Card at Qualifying School in January.
A radical move from the BDO board last week, led by newly-elected Chairman Derek Jacklin, saw them pass a resolution to remove historic restrictions placed on PDC players.
From October 1, current PDC Tour Card holders are permitted to enter BDO qualifying events and BDO ladies players have been given the green light to enter the qualifiers for the PDC World Championship.
BDO players will also no longer face any penalties relating to entry to the PDC Qualifying School – in which an open field competes for coveted PDC Tour Cards.
Waites, who won the PDC Grand Slam in 2010, expects the vast majority of the BDO’s big names to throw their hat into the ring at Q School.
“It’s opened the door completely now,” Waites told Live Darts.
“It can only be good for everyone involved.
“I was talking to Barry Hearn and he seems really impressed by it and I think it’s a really good move forward from the BDO.
“This is a positive move that I see and it can only be good for the sport.”
When asked if he would be tempted to enter Q School, Waites replied: “Certainly, yeah.
“Come January I think you’ll probably see about 90 per cent of the lads that play in the BDO go to Q School and have a crack at that.”