The BDO has lifted all restrictions but its own World Championship remains in doubt
The British Darts Organisation is to remove all restrictions placed on current PDC players and will allow its players to compete in Q School and the upcoming ladies qualifiers for the World Championship without sanction.
Derek Jacklin, who was elected as the new BDO Chairman earlier this month, has met with the BDO board to pass a resolution to remove historic restrictions placed on PDC players.
This means that from October 1, 2018, current PDC Tour Card holders are permitted to enter BDO qualifying events providing they are not serving a period of ineligibility imposed by the BDO, the World Darts Federation or any member body of the WDF.
However, current PDPA rules state that PDC Tour Card holders are not permitted to partake in any non-sanctioned streamed or televised events outside of the PDC system.
Ladies players will not face sanctions should they wish to enter the qualifiers for the PDC World Championship.
Prior to this news, Anastasia Dobromyslova, Lorraine Winstanley, Deta Hedman, Fallon Sherrock and Corrine Hammond were among those who had already submitted their entries.
BDO players will also no longer face any penalties relating to entry to the PDC Qualifying School in January – in which an open field competes for coveted PDC Tour Cards.
Previously, players were contractually obliged to remain within the BDO system if they reached the Semi-Finals of the BDO World Championship – a ruling which notably affected current BDO World Champion Glen Durrant – who had expressed his desire to play in the PDC system.
The 300-word open letter by Jacklin contains no reference to the 2019 BDO World Championship – which remains in major doubt due to a lack of broadcast partner and sponsor.
The full statement reads:
The BDO is set to remove all restrictions on PDC Tour Card holders as previously and currently placed upon them.
In a complete and radical U-turn, the new BDO Chairman/CEO Derek Jacklin and the current BDO Board of Directors have passed a resolution to remove the historic restrictions as placed on PDC players.
Mr Jacklin’s fresh approach is indicative of his declared intent to overhaul the current system and make positive changes for the better from within the organisation.
These changes will also demonstrate that players will no longer face any penalties relating to entry and participation at the PDC Q-School.
4.01 Conditions of participation in Qualifying Events
In order to participate in a Qualifying Event, a player;
a. Must be a member of the BDO or another member darts body of the World Darts Federation a list of which may be found at: Full and Associate Member BDO Darts Bodies
b. Must not be serving a period of ineligibility imposed by the BDO, the World Darts Federation or any member darts body of the World Darts Federation.
This decision will also serve to ensure that any women looking to enter the upcoming qualifiers into the Ladies Play Offs in the PDC World Championship will be free to participate without affecting their position within the BDO system and would take with them the BDO’s best wishes for success.
Mr Jacklin feels that this is now ‘the right time’ to implement these changes, putting further emphasis on the BDO’s ‘Darts For All’ ethos.
The new rule change will be applied equally across the Men’s and Ladies game and will come into effect on 1st October 2018.